Creator and Director:
Olivia Mercurio
Additional Animation:
Heather Marra
Sofia Dubinina
Environment Artist:
Victoria Lake
Original Music:
Noland Vannoy
locking a door_01.wav by Dymewiz
Closet Slide Door Open and Close by ChazzRavenelle
Rolling Bottle 06.wav by kwahmah_02
jf Glass Breaking.wav by cmusounddesig
Folding Fabric Sheets by nebulousflynn
Door Open 2_Creaky_Near_Mono by _stubb
Footsteps on Wood by snakebarney
RoomTone EmptyClassRoom 01 SHORT 130626_02.wav by klankbeeld
Electrical Shock (Zap).wav by BigKahuna360
Digitalcamera.wav by RynoStols
Camera Focusing and Shutter by uEffects
Crowd Cheer.wav by deleted_user_21
R27-20-Small Crowd Gasps.wav by craigsmith
Medium Crowd Murmering by jentlemen
group of students talking loud in classroom (Valencian and Spanish) by bpayri
classroom_ambiance.wav by joedeshon
Pat on the shoulder.wav by theshuggie
Magical Sci-Fi Space Noise by SRJA_Gaming
Cooking with Gas ( Like a Rocket).wav by Timbre
Space_Ambient.aif by nathanshadow
wading_water_004.wav by johonbravo
eel fishing 2.wav by mystiscool
Grass step.wav by Hawkeye_Sprout
Splash, Jumping, H.wav by InspectorJ
shuttingdown.wav by NoiseCollector
thing.rocket.02.mp3 by dobroide
By a pond ambience by CUeckermann
Creek Swimming.mp3 by JazzyBay
Water Swirl, Small, 1.wav by InspectorJ